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tv   [untitled]    July 4, 2011 6:01pm-6:31pm EDT

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fifty. five.
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the lead told nato and russia reach no agreement on a missile defense shield for europe after talks insulting us the alliance refuses moscow's calls for legal guarantees that its proposed system won't target a russian territory. i'm not going to listen to the people who are you. is objective from the wood crime school for protesting as the judge in the hague and is a not guilty plea on his behalf to the charges of genocide and crimes against humanity and while some sides accuse the tribunal one sided just as in its past verdicts. defy obama's plans to pull out troops for afghanistan calendar a time to get home from opponents who say it's too much of a military risk as ton of attacks continue.
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international news life for this is also you with me thanks for joining us russian nato have failed to reach agreement on the european missile defense plans as the alliance continues to reject russia's concerns nato says there should be too dependent systems that exchange information well schools say was a joint system and legal guarantees that the alliance is proposed missile defense shield won't be directed against russia. from the russian black sea city of sochi where the talks have ended. russia's foreign minister sergei lavrov described talks on a missile defense shield in europe as long and not going as smoothly as it was expected while speaking at a separate press conference secretary general of nato rasmussen has said that nato never promised that those stocks will simply happen overnight luvox explains that the reason why
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a sectoral anti-missile defense shield with participation of russia is impossible is because nato cannot delegate the security of nato countries to a third party russian foreign minister said that if a sexual and say missile defense shield is not a possible option then perhaps there are other ones. we would like to reach an agreement which would allow us to work together without any additional risks that will strengthen strategic stability rather than undermine it we would like to have a guarantee that missile defense systems are not aimed against russia we're not asking for unilateral guarantees we would like all the members of the russian nato council to agree that missile defense will not pose any threat to the security of any of the participants. secretary general rasmussen has said that he sees no need of such a proof and once again try to ensure that i am d. in here not going to be a threat to russia personally i don't think we need new treaty is what i think we
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need is practical cooperation and the best the best reassure. guarantee if you so wish that russia could get would be to cooperate actively we want to see two systems that would exchange information. to make the defense of nato territory and russian territory effect big profit off of russia will be covered by that anti-missile defense shield and russian president dmitry medvedev believes that that could be a potential reason for another arms race on the sidelines of the russian nato council and there was a meeting with the russian president need to me to be different and the president of south africa jacob zuma to present you ideas on how to resolve the conflict in libya ideas were deprived from the recent summit of the african union
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and he was here speaking on behalf of the union now the ideas were her doubts but it seems that russia and nato are still not on the same page when it comes to resolving the conflict let's listen to what russian foreign minister lavrov had to say we believe that the arms embargo that was introduced by the un security council is straightforward and it is captured this way in the resolution it applies to libya's entire territory therefore any arms supplies are violating this resolution as well as any attempts to send military instructors into libya to deliver military knowledge and know how all these cases are covered by the arms embargo and this is our position and speaking of had all of this meeting with russia's and boy to nato admitted our voice and said that he fears that unknown ground operation is just around the corner and if that happens. the situation in the region will severely worsened meanwhile today secretary general rasmussen once again try to reassure
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everyone that surrounds operation is not in the plans. the crimes tribunal has entered a plea of not guilty on behalf of former bosnian serb general dot com luggage he accused the accused was scored out of the court for shouting and interrupting the judge as he threatens to boycott the proceedings protesting as he wants his own. lower than the court appointed ones previously the judge also refused to postpone the hearing on the basis of his choice house now judge is accused of genocide in ordering the mascaras of thousands of bosnian muslims during the balkan civil mr rogers catarina subs feel the international criminal court has taken on june one side and its verdicts on the yugoslav was. liquid little town of sibling meets in bosnia and herzegovina who looks at daily you houses are being built people go about their business and in the center of the town a mosque and a church sit side by side the disappearing unity is an illusion sixty years ago the
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entire region was torn apart by ethnic clashes during the yugoslav war instability to became infamous when the united nations stated eight thousand muslim men and boys they massacred by boss monster forces to date and the manner of the feast sits in the ground. when military base is sort of balance in the moral ground as well maintained and frequently visited by locals journalists and tourists who get boston from the bosnian capital of. what the tourist aren't shown are the thousands of serbian graves that line cemeteries all around us that have been it's a region. thousands of people were killed during the balkan wars of the one nine hundred ninety s. but cemeteries like these with entire families of murdered serb civilians only get visited by the very few remaining survivors but only comes here all the time his entire family lives here he says a bosnian muslim general is responsible for this but you know i was only nine years
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old when this that odisha took away everything i had and why the first he killed my mother then my father and brother i was wounded and taken captive they held me first fifty six days and only god knows how or why i survived or what. but even those on the survived his loss just like that explosions of people here is being ignored but i was at the hague tribunal and i was supposed to be a witness in his trial but in the end me and about thirty other witnesses were simply cast aside they didn't call us didn't ask what happened to our families and the tribunal only gave him two years of. the balcony or something seen as atrocities visited in all sides and perpetrated by all players but the version most often propagated by western media is rather one sided in claiming the serves the purpose is to set the stage and create a rationale for so-called humanitarian interventions which in the
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occurred in considerable number. of structure and it's that simple precedent to be traced through the years and into today's headlines bosnia iraq afghanistan and most recently libya have all played unwilling hosts to nato troops and u.s. imposed no fly zones it is very important and the creation of that. scenario to make sure that in the minds of most people. drama story which schools program to will both for whatever reasons so called international community do anything about it. so might say the journey from sydney need such a big ozzy's be a baghdad and kabul could not be traced there's a kind of nato road map but as with any road paved with good intentions there is
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only one possible destination. r.t.e. bosnia and herzegovina. and later in the program no rest for the former i.m.f. chief just as the pressure lifts in new york and other sex assault complaint against dominique strauss kahn based on a promise to look at the political implications of the case. president obama's plans to bring home troops from afghanistan have come under fire from republicans they claim it's a serious military risk to pull out of the thirty thousand personnel from the country by the end of next summer with tongue about tonks continuing but as lauren mr reports of a goddess of the proposals there's no end in sight to the u.s. presence in the country. the aftermath of a taliban attack in kabul. a luxury hotel frequented by foreigners earlier this year taliban gunmen wearing suicide vests storm a guest house used by u.n.
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staffers. last year another attack on hotels this is where your. examples are strewn through the near decade war familiar aftermath we have any pay down here in the south only now americans heard this declaration before news of the blast we're starting this drawdown from a position of strength about u.s. plans to begin pulling troops out of afghanistan but there are declarations on the ground from afghan activists of military might that's look to different mark democracy never come by a question democracy never come by military invasion democracy never by cluster bomb by white phosphorus by muscle car by bumping our wedding parties and didn't washington talk of winding down war in one country does not wind down talk of tackling the global terrorist threat as the focus seems to shift to neighbors should be refocusing resources on pakistan yemen somalia parts of north africa
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and other locations i've always believed pakistan is more central to what happens in afghanistan a change in the guard at the department of defense with robert gates retiring and former cia chief leon panetta getting sworn in signals of this change of course to critics i see no difference between between him and robert gates and for afghanistan we now hear a presidential pledge to pull thirty three thousand troops out by september two thousand and twelve fully we're covering the surge i announced at west point well it certainly sounds like what the american people would like to hear for the first time ever a majority want u.s. troops out about ghana's down as soon as possible fifty six percent while thirty nine percent want troops there until the situation is stabilized you can see the trend is really flip flop. but what is the reality of obama's plans for troop withdrawal all that thirty three thousand he's calling for is a minority of the one hundred thousand american troops that are there that's not including another forty two thousand some nato troops and ninety thousand
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department of defense contractors meanwhile the u.s. has reiterated a long term commitment to the country there certainly has been an agreement that following two thousand and fourteen there will be some kind of continuing presence . of presence and financial burden some see as permanent observers believe u.s. bases are in the forever future lauren mr r.t. washington d.c. . as the u.s. and nato are trying to complete that campaign in afghanistan there seems to be no end to the new conflict in leaving site but political blog and nato campaign every cross off says they alliance is not bad for a peace mission. but what it suggests is nato obligations override national security concerns national interests international law germany for whatever reason why it is only certainly from its own point of the old join the the nations or
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russia or china india and brazil in the security council on march seventeenth and abstaining on you under a solution one thousand seven hundred three our viewers are saying it's a hundred a day right now in iraq was to characterize thirty thousand nato air missions over a country of six and a half million people including what nato itself acknowledges is five thousand gone bad news and if it's not a war. you know the this is not simply a question of the are protecting libyan civilians from the over the government violence and so forth this is a concerted long term military action it's a matter of different direction that mean this is a war making off organization is nothing but that you know they presented it as the accused in the course because the cajun or you know as you know the united nations says. authorization to participate in certain national service he is described in the journal nature of nato it's the world's only military it's one that is in charge of the two major wars in the world right now those in afghanistan and libya
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i think you know we can dispute you know minor points of contention but i think we should not be confused about what the nature of them are at the minute through the organization. former i.m.f. chief and potential french presidential candidate dominic's charles county is facing a new sex assault storm this time back in france french journalist tristan bent on planes have tended to rape her in two thousand and two on has decided to launch a formal criminal complaint he's overrated been accused of raping a new york hotel maid proceedings on growing by the prosecution of his weakened after doubts a match to bob being one of his credibility on a false testimony to a grand jury possible links to drug dealers and money laundering is khan's fellow socialists fear the new sex allegation could ruin any remaining presidential ambitions for my systems at treasury secretary under the reagan administration and x. wall street journal editor paul craig roberts says he might be the victim of political
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tricks due to his popularity at home and uphold. the french press has reported that strauss kahn said before you became to the united states. that he expected sarkozy to pay some french woman a million euros to bring sex charges against him and he said that was because he was leading the sarkozy in the polls for the french presidency and that he stressed crimes here that would be a circus his response and the french press has taken a serious i think he got in trouble because he began questioning the valves use of its power to force the cost of the bailout banks on to the back to just ordinary people and started questioning that he was meeting in the united states with the economist joseph stiglitz who's
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a big critic of that way of bailing out banks and i think he was sending signals that upset the financial community so it may have helped him with ordinary people. but john had made a bid. for. the establishment. the russian investigative committee. game of peace could die juta insufficient medical help in jail in two thousand and nine had been imprisoned in the attacks and criminal inquiry that official probe in russia says prison staff involved will face trial in a case which has become the focus of attention both at home and abroad correspondent peter on of days following the case. the additional forensic medical examination into the day. as no being completed a spokesperson for the investigative committee said the. medical examination revealed that magnitsky had a preexisting condition which had contributed to his death now he also went on to
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say criminal a criminal case has been opened charges of failure to provide adequate medical care and negligence to be brought against stuff the detention facility where he was awaiting trial where you've been held waiting trial on charges of tax evasion this case the death all of. the while he was awaiting the trial drew huge interest all round the world with many many human rights groups calling for a full investigation to determine exactly what happened that led to his death. and some other stories making headlines around the world tonight the woman likely to become thailand's first female prime minister. has announced plans for a new five party coalition cabinet to victory in a general election. time party want to maturity by during the campaign. should lead to government focusing on reconciliation and economic restoration the forty four
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year old is the sister of the country's ousted taxi. five years ago. four people have been killed and another injured in south korea after a soldier turned his gun on his colleagues a marine corporal opened fire at a base on the yellow sea close to the border with the north officials say he was also wounded by an exploding hundred grenada and a possible suicide attempt custody with the motive for that time still. at least to government activists have been arrested in hama in raids by syrian security forces local reports say twenty were wounded. in a crackdown when tanks enters the city following three days of massive protests around three hundred thousand are said to have taken part in what was the biggest demonstration in the country since unrest against the assad regime began a notch twenty four thought to have been told by security forces on friday and into
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the death toll of over fourteen hundred and widespread protests over the past four months. russian doctors have invented a groundbreaking medical procedure throwing a vital lifeline to younger out in the pioneering surgery given her a unique transplant a walt fast for an operation of its kind. made the medics with hearts of gold. her only chance for survival a renowned surgeon is employed think a groundbreaking artificial made from a pig's heart into the chest of twenty four year old who has a rare and life threatening heart defect the valve invented by russian surgeons has never been used before after three hours the operation is complete. in itself is a success we need some time to see how the patient recovers but in any case her life was unbearable. literally as employed came from just outside of moscow earlier
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surgeons had to sort through hundreds of pigs and cows fault to find one that can be used to. it was almost impossible to find the right don't look at the new model so that it tailor made solutions even before they were born each one of these cows was matched their particular patient who's waiting a little less than moscow now since then the way that they've been fed every single part of their lifestyle has been carefully monitored so when the time comes they become the perfect donor the owner of the alexander was a multi-millionaire entrepreneur with two years ago he sold all of his businesses and retired to the countryside to graze the most ecologically clean possible to give the way his arm. from nothing this was a way that we were just so proud we are helping save lives i never thought we'd be doing this he. is removed from the animal it's taken to this hospital lab here at the sterilized and all the parts of the valve together biological valves are open
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super to traditional mechanical models and don't require the patient to take drugs for their life but the lab director is hoping more successful employment will encourage health authorities to invest more funds and i'm sure this good circle that only two three produces the biological balls in the only brush and it's not enough right now people here die before they can get to the treatment two weeks have passed and the tally is out the damage and see war. it's just i feel wonderful i feel like i have a wife and want to change my job and i want to have children but for her to get a doctor say that my pal you should be completely healthy in six months and hope she'll be the first of thousands to receive the lifesaving transplant either a garage. up next british antiwar activist about his past law tends to break the blockade of gaza.
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today i'm talking to dr david how he says he's dedicated his life to fighting for justice in the treaty. he's very mentally opposed to the wars in iraq and afghanistan and in two thousand and three doc to help in filled a boat with food and medical supplies and sailed it to gaza selling his own house to pay for it to help in that voyage was a success in news made subsequent trips to gaza since then has the situation
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improved at all. bottle you know that eighty percent of the people live below the poverty line to find as one point six dollars per head per day and fifty percent are unemployed a big factor in that is there is no port so they cannot train goods and. they were burning building a porch the french with saudi money on the stand in about and in two thousand that was just as it pulls bombed i think runs into just start a second thought or so you can see that the internment camp can't make money very easily well it is very ingenious and they are very industrious you've tried to help the people of gaza in a variety of different ways and particularly more recently have been met with official stonewalling and in some cases violence tell me about your journeys that well the most dramatic incident obstruction was on the
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thirtieth of december two thousand and eight when myself and fifteen others the british master of the motor yacht was trying we were trying to get to gaza on the third day of the bombard the so called operation cast lead or better described as operation drive like experience and we were rendered high speed of about sixty six miles off the coast of i fell in the dark five thirty in the morning. at an instant seize and i'm quite certain that the intention was to drown as your trips to gaza have often been very difficult what is it that motivates you i don't like giving up. doggedness in the family life we never told lies in our family and to be quality is to tell a lie so that keeps you going to little moment because i can't get back there. in some other way drives exert some influence with words only perhaps. for the people
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and for elsewhere. in the world where a mother cannot cradle her baby on her breast in peace and nurture the child until its becomes an adult all over our world we're producing chaos particularly the israeli u.s. and u.k. axis i call it that there's no question and the people who call the shots are in israel every control israel is the whole ruddy lot including the rafa cage which is the stance be under the egyptian troll but this israelis who tell us your gyptian what to do and it is still happening both bus loads of palestinians a few days ago i'm told when they get out perhaps for medical treatment to see relatives that are in the water they control that they control a lot so we had of creativity going in my wife and i were treated we were treated
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better than a palestinian going to tell you but it was two very distressing indeed to make a fifteen hundred mile journey have. valuable stolen car airport i'm fairly certain that was commissioned it wasn't just a chance theft if you know what i mean and then a five hour car journey at speed to russia and then to be told you can't go in and big hell there for two and a half hours and coming out they would let us out laura it would they said the journey a large should enter this thing from embassy in london but it doesn't allow you to go out this is all nonsense you come across professor gabriela shalev who's the former israeli ambassador to the u.n. says that palestinians have nothing to gain from a un resolution that recognizes a palestinian state what's your reaction to that well i think there's a lot of words that really whatever happens whether they make a declaration was supported by a majority of the general assembly which doesn't mean much anyway security council holds all rules wrongly in my view if they declare that they'll find some other
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word tormenting them to be quite blunt about it i believe in. speaking the truth about the small because we're dealing with people being tormented for sixty three years we now know with certainty that nato is killing civilians in libya including children as a consequence of its operations british forces are involved who's accountable and he's responsible the people who are accountable first and foremost are the leaders and this is why for the destruction of iraq and everyone when you know the maiming of over two million. straw who come campbell this is the cabinet is it down they call themselves they should be at the hague now behind bars while c. assemble the evidence will take a very long actually and the same happens now i just see mr campbell in the house on your television monitor and he will be held responsible and what has happened is talking about upping the ante and like there needs killing more civilian job i'm
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just not that accurate and using massive weapons things like the way a bomb one ton one son this is six to clash loose from the second world war and the nuremberg principles is unbelievable and you hear the ribisi talking about an even tones this is all very ordinary do you think that britain's reputation for press freedom is does the bottle the printing media i don't really talk to used to support the morning star they have also resigned yourself not direct that because of my work and the television you didn't see it so you. would so much in china for one of the trainees to watch i think it's we are in with the vortex sucks for the larger we're somewhere that could it we're in in the bottom of. the today's help and thank you very much thanks very much.


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